Sunday 28 October 2012


Okay, now this has always been on my mind since god knows when. Why did the Titanic hit the iceberg?Like dude, there's enough people on that freaking boat to see there's an iceberg or a god damn UFO. Is everyone stoned or what? haha maybe :D young love right? Getting stoned, drunk and many more things us young blood do.

The famous Titanic sinking

The famous Titanic sinking....again

Jack and Rose probably high

Rose's true face deleted scenes......


The reason why I think that the Titanic hit the iceberg is because the passengers as well as the captain got deceived by thinking that it was probably a small iceberg and they thought that they could ram their way through. But what lies below that small iceberg in the freezing ice waters is actually a big chunk of ice that could sink a cruise ship in a matter on minutes. Or, the Titanic had no money to install brakes or better crew members :D 

mysterious red object

In the first week of Creative studies, I was given a mysterious object, it was red and looks like a small plug.

 Behold! the mysterious object

this kinda looks like a toilet bowl for small people :D haha who knows?
or someone's "playtoy"

Don't get me wrong, im not that perverted and dirty minded :p and i don't like all those kinky crap. haha :) it's just an opinion on what is the mysterious object. Sadly it still remains unknown *sadface* :(