Saturday 3 November 2012


(WEEK 2 )


Sir Ken Robinson is the author of Out Of Our Minds : Learning to be creative, and a leading expert on innovation and human resources. In this talk by Sir Ken Robinson, he talks about creating an educational system that strongly preserve and nuture the creativity within people.

This week we were told to list down 5 words associated to creativity. These are the few words I listed down.

5 words associated to creativity:
1.) Imagination
imagination is the root of all inventions and a successful person :)

2.) Idea
Idea generated from imagination to produce an invention

3.) Extreme
Doing something extreme makes you different than others and makes you stand out from the crowd :D  like this Crazy Crackhead :p

4.) Out of the box
Just like the infamous witty pirate king jack sparrow, by thinking out of the box lads, we can solve problems and create solutions from more than just one angle :) and me hearties! it may come in handy when arguing with your girlfriend, savy? :D
5.) Fun

One of the most important thing to be creative is to have FUN :) by having fun more ideas will generate into that peanut sized brain of yours that functions similar to kristen stewarts facial expression like the one in the picture below :) nah just kindding :p

5 words not associated to creativity:
1.) coward
by being cowardly, you will never be creative. you'll be engulfed in your own fears of being different and laughed at

2.) serious
Being serious is good at suitable times, but serious all the time? NO. why? because the world needs people with an open mind to lead. not some serious bloke :p

3.) negative
Yes,yes we all know who this guy is! The famous Simon Cowel! A Negative powerhouse, but he's right most of the times :P but that's not the point. By being negative, we wont go far in life as we can't face the reality of life itself. our negative thinking will keep dragging us down and not going forward

4.) lack imagination
No imagination, no idea, no creatvity, you basically suck.

5.) narrow minded
Narrow minded people often see the world through a tiny window and have a biased or illiberal viewpoint. They lack tolerance and can never solve things from different angles.