Sunday 27 January 2013


Finally! this is my final post for my blog. To tell you the truth, this is kinda sad for me after all the experience in class and while doing this blog. Anyway, let's just get this over with. Alright here we go!

Everyday we encounter countless of advertisements, bloody annoying at some point and fun sometimes. But we must know that without ads, the economy will cease to move forward. As a designer, we should know how to get the attention of viewers and use the media well to get buyers. For an example seek out problems of the world, that could give you an opportunity to sell out your ideas. 

people watching a creative ad that captures their attention

Publicity is also a way to get peoples attention towards your ads and gain trust. Another thing is utilize social media well, nowdays even companies have facebook or twitter .

well as a designer myself, I must prepare advertising myself to the world. In order to that I must learn on how to promote my artworks and ideas via the web first I guess :) studying and keep updating myself on how the world is today and the economics as well. It might give me some ideas and leverage in the uprising futuristic world we live in today. Who knows? i might get a good job as have an earning as much as Steve Jobs!


well, according to wiki-answers on dadaism is that dada or dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Zurich, Switzerland during world war 1 and peaked from 1916 to 1920. This involved arts, literature, ( poetry, art manifestos ).  From what i understand, dadaism is an old art that is still appreciated until now. It includes juxtaposition in the art to make in unique and wonderful i guess?

Here is one example of dadaism:

now, look very closely and observe the dragon in detail. Have you ever think where the ideas to make this dragon comes from? The dragon looks like a mixture of many different types of animals such as, the claws looks like chicken feet, the scales resembles a fish, the face is a combination of a tiger and a wolf, the body shape of a snake, the long barbels resembles a cat fish. And come to think of it, the artist that made the dragon used juxtaposition to create something fierce looking and now a symbol of the chinese people for thousands of years.

today as a designer, it's my job to come up with my own style of art and include a message or symbol in it for our generation. Who knows what my own style would be like :)

Saturday 26 January 2013


ok, so here's the thing, we were given a task to discourage or to stop people from smoking by using Random  Words Association. The random word was traffic light. 

points for the logical mindmap of 'traffic light' 
- Colors

solution:  add colors of the traffic light to the cigarette to indicate the smoker of the danger zone. Green means 1st stage, the yellow means the mid stage of the danger zone, and for the red indicates the danger zone. This may cause the smoker to be more aware of his health and stop while he can or the results will be devastating.

2. Dirty
solution: make the cigarette look like human stool so that even they ( smokers) are disgusted by just looking at it let alone sucking it.

solution: include a sign on the cigarette such as this one to give out a message indicating that smoking will kill you. This might make the smokers think twice about it (smoking)

4. Metal
solution: include a metal substance in the cigarette and the smoker will instantly quit smoking when he or she tastes the disgusting metal on their tongue (well that's what i think since im a smoker myself ) 


Juxtaposition is the act or placement of two things ( usually abstract concepts ) near each other. from my own understanding of juxtaposition is the combination of two different things to create a new product from those two combinations 

finger comb! :D

fur cup

Saturday 19 January 2013


well today the lecturer told us about mindmaps. yes, i am also tired of hearing the word mindmap :3 according to Mr.Yap, there are two types of mindmaps. One of them is a logical mindmap, and the other one is associated mindmap. well let's start on the logical mindmap first :)

an example of a logical mindmap 

What is a logical mindmap? well a logical mindmap is where points are related to the core or main idea logically. Thus, the logical mindmap only consists of stereotype words.

associated mindmap

The associated mindmap is a mindmap where we are able to generate random words and also use creativity 
to relate and show links connected to those random words.


In this world, there are many creative people, such as Bill Gates and Leornado Da Vinci. We got to owe it to them, if not for their inventions and creativity, we would still live in a world that is never advancing. Some of them contribute their idea of creativity through music, inventing new machines and even form a new formula on solving problems. To me, what really amazes me is creativity through music. let's just imagine,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

-what traits that made him creative?

He showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before the European royalty. He shows us that creativity is in all of us no matter the age, you could do more than you could ever imagine. 

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Another creative genius is Ibnu Sina, one of the most awesome muslim heroes. He discovered many ways of treating illness by mixing remedies using both scientific and creativity to treat the disease. He changed the world of medicine by using only his creativity to mix remedies and discovering new ways of treatments as well as new medicine. How awesome is that! :D

"THE PC IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE TABLET" <-- what does this tells us about the process of invention and innovation?

some random picture of an old pc :)

well, According to a Gartner report out November 6, 821 million smartphones and tablets will be purchased by the end of the year, accounting for 70 per cent of total devices sold in 2012, and by 2013 the number of tablets sold will have passed 1 billion. woah that's awesome :O
The company also believes that by 2016, tablets will have replaced computers in most companies and that more of us will become mobile workers as a results. if you have read the news lately, you couldn't have missed hearing how well the tablets, smart phones, and smartTV's are selling, and how badly the PC market is doing ( except the laptops )
ipad is one of the tablets that's commonly used today