Saturday 19 January 2013

"THE PC IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE TABLET" <-- what does this tells us about the process of invention and innovation?

some random picture of an old pc :)

well, According to a Gartner report out November 6, 821 million smartphones and tablets will be purchased by the end of the year, accounting for 70 per cent of total devices sold in 2012, and by 2013 the number of tablets sold will have passed 1 billion. woah that's awesome :O
The company also believes that by 2016, tablets will have replaced computers in most companies and that more of us will become mobile workers as a results. if you have read the news lately, you couldn't have missed hearing how well the tablets, smart phones, and smartTV's are selling, and how badly the PC market is doing ( except the laptops )
ipad is one of the tablets that's commonly used today

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