Sunday 27 January 2013


well, according to wiki-answers on dadaism is that dada or dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Zurich, Switzerland during world war 1 and peaked from 1916 to 1920. This involved arts, literature, ( poetry, art manifestos ).  From what i understand, dadaism is an old art that is still appreciated until now. It includes juxtaposition in the art to make in unique and wonderful i guess?

Here is one example of dadaism:

now, look very closely and observe the dragon in detail. Have you ever think where the ideas to make this dragon comes from? The dragon looks like a mixture of many different types of animals such as, the claws looks like chicken feet, the scales resembles a fish, the face is a combination of a tiger and a wolf, the body shape of a snake, the long barbels resembles a cat fish. And come to think of it, the artist that made the dragon used juxtaposition to create something fierce looking and now a symbol of the chinese people for thousands of years.

today as a designer, it's my job to come up with my own style of art and include a message or symbol in it for our generation. Who knows what my own style would be like :)

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