Sunday 27 January 2013


Finally! this is my final post for my blog. To tell you the truth, this is kinda sad for me after all the experience in class and while doing this blog. Anyway, let's just get this over with. Alright here we go!

Everyday we encounter countless of advertisements, bloody annoying at some point and fun sometimes. But we must know that without ads, the economy will cease to move forward. As a designer, we should know how to get the attention of viewers and use the media well to get buyers. For an example seek out problems of the world, that could give you an opportunity to sell out your ideas. 

people watching a creative ad that captures their attention

Publicity is also a way to get peoples attention towards your ads and gain trust. Another thing is utilize social media well, nowdays even companies have facebook or twitter .

well as a designer myself, I must prepare advertising myself to the world. In order to that I must learn on how to promote my artworks and ideas via the web first I guess :) studying and keep updating myself on how the world is today and the economics as well. It might give me some ideas and leverage in the uprising futuristic world we live in today. Who knows? i might get a good job as have an earning as much as Steve Jobs!

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